Moolah Circle$
Are you ready to heal your money story and rewrite your financial future?
Join us for our July Moolah Circle$
Begin your journey of financial liberation and reclaim your financial power with our FREE virtual Moolah Circle$.
Join a supportive community who want to consistently bring conscious awareness to money, fostering a holistic approach to one of the key 5 pillars of wellbeing - financial well-being.
Through open discussions, reflection, guided exercises, and at times expert insights, you'll gain a profound understanding of your financial story, beliefs, and the emotional threads that connect them.
We understand that our relationship with money is deeply personal, influenced by past experiences, emotions, and beliefs. Moolah Circle$ is a safe space where you can talk about your finances without fear of judgment.
We believe money shouldn't be a taboo topic.
We believe money can be a tool for empowerment and personal growth.
We believe that true financial empowerment starts with understanding your unique relationship with money.
We believe in breaking free from the negative cycle of financial trauma.
We keep this intimate, places are limited. Let's build a future filled with purpose, security, and abundance together.
Join us at Moolah Circle$ for open discussions, reflection, guided exercises. A safe space where you can talk about your financial wellbeing.
Moolah Circle$
1 hr
222 US dollars1 hr
111 US dollars12 hr
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